A Day With Our Friends
Over the weekend, our partners at Aesop treated The Straits Finery customers to a morning of skincare indulgence in conjunction with the launch of their new skincare line. There was something serendipitous about the whole affair as the space selected for the skincare workshop was held in an art deco building. Art deco is a strong influence in our upcoming collection, and meeting the owners of Jao Tim, who have lovingly restored this old hotel into a cafe and event space on the historical Jalan Sultan in the heart of KL was a marriage of two minds for Aesop‘s new range: In Two Minds!
a little focus and a little self care
It was a morning of pure simplicity. The agenda of the day involved the lovely experts from Aesop demonstrating the art of the face cleanse whilst the rest of us took to our individually prepared stations and followed their step by step regime, trying out all their special concoctions. Something that resonated with us was the notion that skin often has multiple personalities (much like us as people!). With this in mind, the art of the cleanse is extremely important. We were treated to a lesson in what good cleansing practices are and how we need to take some time to connect with your own skin. It was almost like being back in school where your home economics (do they still teach that?) teacher gives you instructions on what to do (whilst you sit giggling with your friends in the back row – no?)
This, however, was much more rewarding!
Needless to say, we all came out with skin that just glows on its own – with no help needed from highlighters.
What was surprising was that the skin cleansing ritual felt more than a surface cleanse. There is something extremely therapeutic about sitting together and focusing on something as simple as cleaning your own face. Whilst it is something we do on a daily basis at home, hunched over our sinks, frantically washing the day off our faces… it is not quite the same as deliberately taking your time to understand and appreciate the ritual of the cleanse.
We not only came out glowing but feeling strangely rejuvenated. Perhaps that is what we all need more often… Perhaps we need to deliberately set aside a little moment at the end of the day to wash the day off our faces. The cleanse is not just of your skin but of your senses. The opportunity is to give focus to this act of cleansing, of a little self-care.